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                Hello, welcome to Xinzhan 中文站English
                Professional automatic


                Number of positions:10 education:College degree or above Duty station:Changzhou

                Treatment: 5000-8000

                Electrician job description

                Job requirements:

                1. Able to work independently, with a strong sense of responsibility, work achievement and team spirit;

                2. At least two years working experience in electrical control cabinet wiring, equipment assembly and commissioning;

                3. Electrician has a solid foundation, can understand control schematic diagram, and can design simple control schematic diagram;

                4. Be very familiar with the complete set of auxiliary materials of the control cabinet, be able to draw the wiring diagram and panel layout of the control cabinet, and be proficient in the wiring process of the control cabinet;

                5. Those with outstanding professional ability can relax the conditions accordingly.

                Customer service personnel

                Number of positions:10 education:College degree or above Duty station:Changzhou

                Treatment: 6000 ~ 10000 yuan

                Customer service responsibilities:

                1. Be responsible for equipment commissioning service and other work arranged by leaders.

                Job requirements:

                1. Male, under 40 years old;

                2. Be able to understand electrical schematic diagram, major in Mechatronics or electrical automation is preferred;

                3. Flexible mind, strong practical ability, hardworking spirit, and able to adapt to frequent business trips;

                4. Serious and responsible work, good communication skills and team spirit;

                4. Driver's license and proficient driving are preferred

                mechanical engineer

                Number of positions:10 education:College degree or above Duty station:Changzhou

                Treatment: 6000 ~ 10000

                Job responsibilities:

                1. Complete the programming and debugging of PLC and other control software according to the functional requirements of the project equipment;

                2. Electrical component selection and BOM output;

                3. Design and draw electrical schematic diagram, wiring diagram, electric control cabinet and layout drawing;

                4. Complete the commissioning of electrical equipment on the customer's site and be responsible for the after-sales service of relevant equipment;

                Job requirements: Mechanical Engineer: Salary: 6000 ~ 12000

                Responsibilities of mechanical design post:

                1. Be responsible for the design, R &amp; D and transformation of non-standard automation equipment, test fixtures and fixtures;

                2. Be responsible for structural design, component selection, material selection and design drawing output;

                3. Cooperate with electrical and other professional engineers to complete equipment design;

                4. Participate in the trial production, commissioning and technical problems in the process of equipment assembly;

                5. Complete equipment serialization design, prepare relevant technical documents, cost accounting and other work arranged by leaders.

                Job requirements:

                1.3 years of relevant working experience, proficient in various design software AutoCAD, solidwroks, etc,

                Experience in welding automation equipment design is preferred.

                1.3 years or above working experience in design and commissioning of electrical automatic control;

                2. Be familiar with the electrical design and commissioning of various motors, cylinders, sensors and other components; Familiar with AutoCAD, electrical / EPLAN and other electrical design software;

                3. Be familiar with the principle of automatic measurement and control;

                4. Working experience in non-standard automation industry is preferred.

                electrical engineer

                Number of positions:10 education:College degree or above Duty station:Changzhou

                Treatment: 6000 ~ 10000

                Job responsibilities:

                1. Complete the programming and debugging of PLC and other control software according to the functional requirements of the project equipment;

                2. Electrical component selection and BOM output;

                3. Design and draw electrical schematic diagram, wiring diagram, electric control cabinet and layout drawing;

                4. Complete the commissioning of electrical equipment on the customer's site and be responsible for the after-sales service of relevant equipment;

                Job requirements:

                1.3 years or above working experience in design and commissioning of electrical automatic control;

                2. Be familiar with the electrical design and commissioning of various motors, cylinders, sensors and other components; Familiar with AutoCAD, electrical / EPLAN and other electrical design software;

                3. Be familiar with the principle of automatic measurement and control;

                4. Working experience in non-standard automation industry is preferred.

                Marketing personnel

                Number of positions:10 education:College degree or above Duty station:Changzhou

                Treatment: 3000-10000

                Responsibilities of Salesperson:

                1. Responsible for the sales and promotion of the company's products;

                2. Complete the department sales target according to the marketing plan;

                3. Develop new markets, develop new customers and increase the scope of product sales;

                4. Responsible for collecting market information and analyzing competitors;

                5. Be responsible for the planning and implementation of sales activities in the sales area and complete the sales task;

                6. Manage and maintain customer relationship and long-term strategic cooperation plan between customers.

                Job requirements:

                1. College degree or above, major in marketing;

                2. At least 1-2 years working experience in sales industry, outstanding performance is preferred;

                3. Quick response, strong expression ability, strong communication skills and affinity;

                4. Have certain market analysis and judgment ability, good customer service awareness;

                5. Responsible, able to work under pressure;

                6. Team work spirit, good at challenge.

                Assembly technician

                Number of positions:10 education:College degree or above Duty station:Changzhou

                Treatment: 4500 ~ 8000 yuan

                Job requirements:

                1. Technical secondary school education or above, under the age of 45;

                2. Be able to understand assembly drawings and have 1-3 years of working experience in standard equipment manufacturing;

                3. Be able to skillfully operate the whole machine, forming machine, lathe, grinder, drilling machine and other related equipment;

                Online Service
                contact information



                work shift

                from Monday to Friday

                Company Office Number


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