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              1. <blockquote id='xVAzxv'><q id='xVAzxv'><noscript id='xVAzxv'></noscript><dt id='xVAzxv'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='xVAzxv'><i id='xVAzxv'></i>
                Hello, welcome to Xinzhan 中文站English
                Professional automatic

                Welding machine for household appliance industry

                Product introduction
                Main features:
                The frame parts are welded by steel members and finished after eliminating internal stress. They will not deform after long-term use and have a beautiful appearance.
                The upper electrode is composed of 24 spot welding electrodes. The whole device adopts PLC + man-machine interface control and modular circuit control to effectively avoid various interferences, so as to achieve various welding control processes, and realize whether each cylinder works and whether each group of parameters are independently adjustable. The lower electrode is composed of two flat electrodes, and the welding is not affected by the change of welding spot spacing (but affected by the change of workpiece shape, so the lower electrode adopts the screw fixation method which is convenient, firm and reliable for disassembly, so as to facilitate the positioning welding of workpieces of other shapes).
                The screw driving device can arbitrarily adjust the welding distance between the two groups. In order to meet the welding requirements of customers, the adjustable range is 895-1350mm, and also meet the welding machines of different specifications.
                One device can be used as two or more devices at the same time. It not only greatly improves the production efficiency, but also reduces the production cost, so as to improve the market competitiveness of products.
                It is widely applicable to the welding of various specifications of similar box workpieces. It is easy to use, simple and adjustable. Therefore, it will have a broad market space.
                Main parameters:
                Rated power 2*40KVA
                Power Supply 380V 50Hz
                Number of power phases single-phase
                Load duration 20%
                Air source pressure 0.6-0.8MPa
                Coolant flow 8L/min
                Coolant temperature ≤30℃
                Equipment outline reference dimensions 1750*1600*1870(mm)
                Effective welding width 895-1350(mm)
                Design concept:
                Due to the particularity of backplane welding in the refrigerator industry, the production efficiency and quality of ordinary welding equipment can not meet the needs of customers in the current industry market. The project is specially designed and developed to meet the particularity of household appliances such as refrigerators, fill the industry gap, meet the market demand, help enterprises improve production efficiency, improve product quality and improve market share.