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                Hello, welcome to Xinzhan 中文站English
                Professional automatic

                Analysis on key points of stainless steel welding with steel

                Release time:2021-08-27 08:29:20 popularity:680 source:本站

                The application of steel formwork welding machine is very wide. It can weld a variety of materials. Among them, aluminum and stainless steel have good welding effect. So, for stainless steel, what is its welding process? Maybe many people don't know. Here are the key points of stainless steel welding.
                First of all, because the steel formwork welding machine uses a vertical power supply, it should adopt positive polarity and negative polarity of welding wire. Generally, the welding of stainless steel is very effective for thin plates below 6mm, and the welding effect is beautiful.
                The second is that the shielding gas in the welding process is argon, which requires high purity. Moreover, the current during welding should cooperate with the content of argon.
                Third, in order to prevent pores during welding, it is necessary to clean some rust and oil stains in the welding area before welding.
                Fourth, the welding arc should be determined according to the specific situation. When welding stainless steel, an arc of one to three millimeters is required. At this time, the protection effect is the best.
                Fifth, in order to prevent the bottom layer of the weld bead from being oxidized and eroded, the back area should also be protected by gas. At the same time, for air control, it is necessary to use the screen in the case of wind. If there is no wind, you need to breathe.
                The above is the analysis of some key points of stainless steel welding with steel formwork welder.
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